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SCBA is a network of 62 churches who share the motivation to work together because of their common mission, setting, and values, all built on a culture of trust and cooperation. Since its conception in 1886, the SCBA has inspired each of its churches to develop a passion to reach lost people & work rigorously to advance God's Kingdom. We are convinced that God wants to do something miraculous in Sevier County, but it will take each one of us being diligent about getting on our knees before Him & looking to Him for guidance. 


In short, we exist to:

  • ​Promote fellowship among churches
  • Encourage cooperation in fulfilling the Great Commission
  • ​Provide resources/training for discipleship that lead to a deeply rooted faith in God & His Word
  • Strategically organize outreach projects to love those who live, work, & play in Sevier County
  • ​Constitute an atmosphere of genuine prayer




Our mission involves four strategic initiatives that we believe are essential for creating an atmosphere of togetherness among our pastors & communities.


We strive to encourage our pastors as often as possible because we believe a healthy pastor fosters healthy churches. We meet the first Wednesday each month to discuss relevant topics they're facing & working through.  Another focal point of our ministry to pastors is providing resources that aim to improve their well-being as well as their personal/professional development.


We are expecting God to work miraculously in our county; therefore, it is important that we prepare for the expansion of His Kingdom here on earth.  In light of that, we hope to generate sending & supporting churches cooperatively working so that church planters & their families will be able to plant healthy, gospel-centered churches. 


While we are here to provide resources & tools for our churches, we hope to become more than a central hub for evangelism tracts & discipleship literature. One of our goals is to be able to provide funding for people from smaller churches who have a desire to get involved in missions but can't receive financial support from their sending church. We are always looking for practical ways to help our churches, ministry leaders, & pastors do what they do best.'


Although our function is different from that of a church, our mission is the same - "Go, therefore, and make disciples of all the nations...". We are partnering with several local ministries who are already making an impact in Sevier County & beyond.  We hope to continue to strengthen these relationships & create many more as we engage our community for the sake of sharing the Gospel. 

Please continue to pray with & for us about the next steps God wants us to take going forward...we believe that earnest prayer from sincere hearts is always followed by a movement of God!



Justin Johnson

Associational Mission Strategist


Herb Caughron

Building & Grounds /

Men's Ministry Director

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